Sound moves and heals our hearts. On this day, healers and meditators create a special time together. This 3-hour relay sound meditation heals our tired minds and shares that healing with those who are marginalized in our lives. It’s a special time for Healers to donate their talents, and we’ll be collecting donations from everyone who attends to help those in need. Meditate and embrace the warmth of the night.

When: 12/7/18 6:00-9:00 PM
Locations: Zen Therapy Natural Healing Center.
Admission: Free! (Self-funded full donation)

– Please make a reservation for the number of attendees, and if you can’t attend, please cancel for others.
– If you have stuff at home that you don’t use, bring it in. We’ll donate them together.
– This is a relay event, so please arrive early to ensure smooth running. Younger children are welcome as long as they can stay quiet and not make too much noise.
– Thank you to all the healers and meditation teachers who are making this event possible. (Friend us on Instagram)
– This event is for donations. We hope that those who participate will enjoy the experience and donate what they can afford. All proceeds will be donated to the underprivileged.

  • For those who need to heal their bodies and minds

  • You’ve been meaning to start meditating but haven’t gotten around to it.

  • Want to join a meaningful gathering at the end of the year?